Using Pest Control As Preventative MaintenanceUsing Pest Control As Preventative Maintenance

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Using Pest Control As Preventative Maintenance

A few years ago, I experienced a personal breakthrough as a homeowner. I realized that I waited to call pest control until my bug problem had grown out of control. Instead of simply controlling pests, we would have to work through from square one each and every time we wanted to resolve the problem. However, my pest control guy gave me some advice that has stuck with me since that day. He explained that we should consider using pest control as preventative maintenance. Since then, I have pest control spray regularly every 3-6 months, whether there are bugs in my house or not. Tips like these can be found in the articles on my website.


Natural Ways To Keep Ants Out Of Your Kitchen

If you have started noticing a few ants crawling around your kitchen floors and cabinets, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to keep them out without resorting to chemicals. If so, try using one or more of the following ways to naturally keep ants out of your kitchen. Block the Ants' Entryways With Caulk  The first thing you can try in your attempts to keep ants out of your kitchen is to keep them from getting in there at all. Read More 

How To Keep Pests Out Of The Office

Ants, mice, and other pests are definitely unwanted guests at the office. Unfortunately, break rooms and even workstations can lure these pests with the promise of food and protected nesting areas. The following tips can help you keep your office pest-free. Tip #1: Implement daily cleaning Avoiding open containers and crumbs is the main way to prevent pests. Break rooms, in particular, can be overly attractive to pests. Make it policy that food cannot be left out on counters or tables. Read More 

Concerned About Bed Bugs? Best Tips For Protecting Your Family

The pleasant weather of summer allows families to get out and take part in a more of their favorite activities. Unfortunately, it is also a great time for some types of household pests, including bed bugs, to move about more freely, as well. If you currently live in an area where bed bug infestations are a growing problem and want to avoid coming into contact with them this summer, here are some things you can do to protect your family and help keep your home free of these pests. Read More 

Spotting Wasps In The House: Steps To Take To Avoid An Infestation

As warm weather approaches, you may notice more stinging insects flying about. Seeing them outside can be a sign of summer approaching. However, finding them inside your home can be an altogether different experience. Here are a few steps to take, and some things you should avoid if you spot wasps in your home this spring. Take Note Of Where They Fly  A stray wasp that gets into your home may be a minor nuisance you can avoid by shooing it out of the home or using bug spray. Read More 

Along Came A Spider: How To Keep The Spiders Away Now That The Weather Is Warming Up

With winter finally winding down, the spiders will be coming out of hiding. If you don't mind them, you don't have much to worry about. However, if you're one of the many people who are more than slightly put-off by having spiders invade your home, you'll want to take evasive action as quickly as possible. Taking steps now will help you keep spiders out of your home. Here are four simple steps you can take to prevent spider infestations this spring. Read More