Using Pest Control As Preventative MaintenanceUsing Pest Control As Preventative Maintenance

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Using Pest Control As Preventative Maintenance

A few years ago, I experienced a personal breakthrough as a homeowner. I realized that I waited to call pest control until my bug problem had grown out of control. Instead of simply controlling pests, we would have to work through from square one each and every time we wanted to resolve the problem. However, my pest control guy gave me some advice that has stuck with me since that day. He explained that we should consider using pest control as preventative maintenance. Since then, I have pest control spray regularly every 3-6 months, whether there are bugs in my house or not. Tips like these can be found in the articles on my website.


Reasons To Call A Bed Bug Exterminator Promptly When The Pests Invade Your Home

Bed bugs can infest your home even if you are a meticulous housekeeper. All it takes is for someone to carry the bugs in on their clothing or for you to pick the bugs up in a hotel, and a nightmare could begin that includes developing itchy welts and battling the bugs for weeks. Once you discover you have bed bugs, or even if you just suspect that you do, call in a bed bug exterminator so you can end the problem before it gets out of hand. Read More 

Tips For Dealing With Voles In Your Yard

Voles are small rodents that can be misidentified as a mouse, and these pests are typically found outdoors in residential yards. No homeowner wants voles in their yard — they can dig tunnels and cause damage to landscaping and vegetation, so if you see one or more voles, it is important to take action fast and do what you can to eliminate the problem. If you ignore voles in your yard, the population can grow and turn into a vole infestation. Read More 

Think You Have Bed Bugs? Don’t Make These Mistakes

Having bed bugs in your home can be quite upsetting, since they are tiny pests that are difficult to get rid of. In fact, many people make mistakes when trying to clean items and remove the bed bugs from your home. Here are some common mistakes that people make when dealing with bed bugs. Not Bagging Clothing The biggest mistake comes from how bed bugs get into the home in the first place. Read More 

Why You Should Never Ignore “Just A Few Cockroaches”

Finding a couple of spiders or ants in your home may not be a reason to call an exterminator. Sometimes, there really are only a few of these bugs in your home, and squishing them or flushing them down the toilet will solve your problems. When it comes to cockroaches however, things are a bit different. You should never assume that the one or two roaches you see are no big deal. Read More